event helpers and volunteers

You’ll Want These People To Help With Your Live Event


When you make the commitment to have a live, in-person event, you’re going to need help. It doesn’t matter if you plan your event in your own home town or if you’re traveling to a faraway location, hiring an event planner and others will save you time, money and headaches. In addition, you can always find people who will volunteer to help in exchange for a free event ticket and other perks.

Before you start asking for volunteers or hiring event planners, it’s important that you understand what your objectives are. Important considerations include what types of equipment will be used, what subjects will be covered at the event, as well as what your budget is. Once you know those things, it’s time to start getting help.  

Here are some types of people that help ensure your event runs smoothly and efficiently:

Personal Assistants

This may be someone who is your virtual assistant who is willing and able to attend the event to help out in person. Usually, you will cover their travel, event ticket, and other expenses associated with getting there. If your VA doesn’t want to do it, or can’t, look for someone who has experience helping out at other live events in your market.


Within your audience are people who would love to attend the event, but may not be able to afford the cost of the ticket. Many times you’ll find people who will be happy to take on tasks such as manning the registration desk, ensuring that guests are comfortable, answering questions or directing traffic in exchange for a free or severely discounted ticket.

Event Planners

A professional event planner is always an important component of putting on a successful live event. Some venues offer a staff planner as part of their event packages, but you can also find event planners online and maybe even among people you already know. Finding an event planner that lives near, or has worked with, the location in question is often the best choice.


A great thing to consider is having a photographer and/or videographer on hand to record the event for future promotions. You may even be able to get a discount if you agree to let the photographer make a little money on the side by offering professional headshot packages at a discount to attendees. 

Pro Tip: Videos of live events can also be packaged and sold as products.

Technical Assistance

Don’t forget that you’ll have technical issues, and equipment that will need a professional touch. Some event venues have people on staff for that, but do not make assumptions; ensure that you have the right tech assistance there. Nothing can make an event go sideways like a technical malfunction.


Many venues offer choices of menus and food options, but if yours does not, then you’ll need to find someone to cater your event. The more you keep your guests comfortable and fed the more you can keep them involved with your event directly. Remember not to feed them heavy foods that make them sleepy, and remember to ask (well in advance) if there are dietary considerations the attendees need you to take into consideration.

Hiring people and asking for volunteers for your event need to be done early. You’ll be glad you got the extra help.

Don’t try to do everything yourself if you want to have a successful live event where you can have fun, too.

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