Spy on Bitly links

People can spy on data from Bitly links


Did you know you can spy on Bitly links and see where traffic is coming from, and how much traffic the links are getting?

Of course, your competitors can spy on you, too.

That is why we recommend Link Wizard.

Bitly is one of the Top Link Shorteners, used by people from all around the world. If you are new to Link Shorteners, they are essentially tools which help you turn your Long URL’s into pretty customized ones.

Customized Links show higher click rates than the original Long Links.

An example: Original Link: httphttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG8rbF3g2AMX70yOd8vqIZg?sub_confirmation=1

Customized Link: https://bitly.com/Subscribe2Logan

The Original Link can have a user hesitate to click the link but the other customized one looks neat and gives the end user some confidence in clicking the link.

The brand Beats used Branded Short domains to drive up to 34% increase in CTR when compared to Unbranded Links.

So People started using Branded Links for their Urls. So why are we saying you should not use Bitly.

Will you reveal your marketing strategies to your competitors? No one would right? I hope you are not doing it.

This will happen when you use Bitly Links.

If you are thinking how, It is like this. Take any Bitly Link and add a “ +

“ Let’s take the above example and add the ” + ” https://bitly.com/Subscribe2Logan+

It shows you where the link is getting Traffic and the top countries where traffic is coming from.

Link Wizard has way more features and also does not show the data publicly.

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