Success Requires Flexibility
There is nothing more stifling to success than rigid thinking. Rigid thinking leads to rigid behaviors, and rigid behaviors lead to dead ends, blind alleys and creative cul de sacs. In other words, while there is a certain amount of comfort to routine, too much routine can choke off all chances that you’ll be able […]
Does the Buck Stop With You?
President Harry Truman had a sign on his desk that said, “The buck stops here”. What he meant by that was, as President, he did not have the option to pass the buck when it came to mistakes or failure. He was the boss, and the buck stopped getting passed with him. As a business owner […]
Daily Activities to Attract Clients on LinkedIn
As you probably know by now, consistency is vitally important for any marketing efforts. It is especially important for LinkedIn. How many times have you noticed that someone is regularly active, but then disappears for months at a time? Then, seemingly out of the blue, they show up again, but within a few weeks they’re […]
21 Ways to Perfect Your Message
Click here to download a PDF of this post. It’s not about posting or writing more. It’s not about creating more images or infographics. Perfecting your message is all about consistency and staying in front of the right audience. Here are twenty-one tips to help you spread your content and take part in your ideal […]
Increase Sales and Name Recognition using Facebook Ads
Social media is an easy way to interact with your audience and grow your following, but sometimes it can sure be a tedious process. If you want to take control and speed up the rate at which you obtain leads or make sales, i recommend using Facebook Ads to expand your reach. Facebook Ads are […]
4 Tips to Make the Right Connections on LinkedIn
Making the right connections on LinkedIn (or on any networking platform) should never be hit or miss. Don’t leave your marketing to chance. Instead, know exactly who you’re serving, who you want to speak with, and what you have to offer. The following 4 tips will be helpful. 1. Know your target audience. Finding the […]
Which Do You Value More: Your Money or Your Time?
I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage, “Time is money.” If you’re a business owner, your time is valuable because you have valuable knowledge to share with your audience. Your time is best used catering to those customers and clients who need your knowledge instead of struggling over some back office tasks that are not […]
Consistency: Get More Facebook Followers
If you want to build an audience of loyal followers on any social media platform, consistency must be a part of your posting strategy. How many times a day you post is your choice, and some quick market research will tell you when your target audience is most likely to be online, but the key […]
Making the Best First Impression on LinkedIn
When it comes to using social media to market your business, choosing the correct platform can make or break your marketing efforts. LinkedIn is one of the premier social media platforms and it boasts a very professional atmosphere. While Facebook and Twitter are geared toward the more casual user, LinkedIn was specifically built for professionals […]
Avoid These 5 Business Killers
As the great Benjamin Franklin once said, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” With all the moving parts of a business to look after, it’s no wonder that some things fall through the cracks, in turn affecting your business growth and bottom line profits. Here are five mistakes that will diminish your […]