Nothing succeeds like success, right? Simple, but accurate.
However, true success comes from confidence, and confidence, in turn, comes from success. They revolve around each other, in a truly symbiotic relationship.
However, this is not a “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” kind of scenario.
Confidence precedes success.
We know this, because the quiet assurance of true confidence, as opposed to mere cockiness, serves to lay the foundation for reaching a goal. In this way, confidence is more of an outward manifestation of an inward persona, than it is a mere pose or affectation. Cockiness, on the other hand, is simply on outward shield that masks an inward insecurity.
As a business owner, it is important for you to be confident of yourself and your product or service. People react positively to a confident person, especially if that confidence is real, and a part of that person’s inner self.
In order to develop this type of true confidence, there are several things that you can do:
Don’t fear being wrong
Keep in mind, confident people are able to take a firm stand on issues or decisions, not because they think they are right, but rather because they are not afraid to be wrong.
They see a difficult situation as an opportunity for growth. Finding the rightsolution to a problem is more important than being right. If they discover they are wrong, they will be the first to admit it, and move on accordingly.
Listen more than talk
Confident people often listen far more often than they talk. They are more interested in hearing different information and opinions than in broadcasting their own.
They also are not afraid to admit fallibility, and ask for help. They know the knowledge of others can be their greatest strength.
Success is a team sport
Finally, confident people understand that success is a team sport. They know that any goal is achieved through the efforts of many, not the will of the few. Therefore, they share spotlight of success and shine it on others far more than they shine it on themselves.
Building personal confidence will go a long way in achieving professional success.
If you need any help with any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me.
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