Understand the Color Wheel Before Branding or Image Creation


Company branding is so much more than just your colors and your logo, but choosing colors to represent you and your company’s image is one of the most important starting places. Its perfectly fine to choose your own brand colors instead of hiring a designer, but it’s not as simple or easy as you might think. Let’s take a look at the color wheel, and see how it can help narrow down your color choices.

A color wheel consists of colors with the following distinctions: primary, secondary, tertiary, complementary, and analogous. 

  • Primary colorsare those which cannot be achieved by mixing other colors together. Red, blue, and yellow are primary colors.
  • Secondary colorsare those which can be made by mixing two primary colors. Orange, green, and purple are secondary colors.
  • Tertiary colorsare created by mixing primary and secondary hues together
  • Complementary colors are located at direct opposite ends of the color wheel and
  • Analogous colors appear close together on a color wheel

How does this help you? Take a look at this color wheel:

color wheel

You probably have an idea already of at least one color to use in your branding efforts, so find that color/hue on the wheel above. Now look at the four colors next to it. Those are analogous colors that will look appealing when used together. Or, find your first color and look at the color directly opposite. Those are complementary colors which will also be appealing together.

Once you make a decision on colors, you can find more detailed, online color wheels that will show you the HEX and RGB codes for each color. Write those down in a safe place so you use those colors consistently with your website, social media pages, and products without having to look them up numerous times.

As the famous artist Marc Chagall once said, “All colors are the friends of their neighbors and the lovers of their opposites,” and this is certainly obvious when looking at the color wheel itself. Choosing complimentary or analogous colors in a family that represents you and the image you want to portray is the first step toward branding your company.

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